Friday, April 3, 2009

Steen and Erin: Our Favorite Things

Here is a short post to share with you some of our most/least favorite things here in Tanzania!

Favorite Things:
  1. Orange mud! 
  2. People turning off their motorcycles to coast downhill in order to save on gas.
  3. Passion Fruit (20 for 80 cents)
  4. "China!" (pronounced chee-na)
  5. Eating fish tongue (its actually quite tasty)
  6. Turning on the fan, and having it  start spinning 30min later
  7. Sister Theresina at Mugana Hospital
  8. Seeing babies tied to their mother's back
Least Favorite Things:
  1. Dirt in the rice
  2. "China!" (it gets old)
  3. Getting overcharged because we are "Muzungu" (foreign/white)
  4. Lake flies
  5. Brown flavorless curry